
Fall 2025 admission has ended. Fall 2026 admission will start on October 1st, 2025

This page provides specific information regarding applying to the Department of Counseling Graduate Programs. For general assistance in the application process or in deciding between the Department of Counseling programs and other programs at San Francisco State University, please visit Graduate Studies Admissions Page. They offer workshop recordings on admissions topics and other great information (see Advising).



Fall 2025 Admission Information Session (Video)


Fall 2026 Admission Instruction and Requirement will be available on October 1st, 2025

Information Session:

  • September Session (TBA)
  • October Session (TBA)


Department of Counseling Application Processing Fee of $25 (This is a separate fee from Cal State Apply Fee of $70).

  • Payment of Department of Counseling Application Processing Fee must be made through the link provided inside the Admission Instruction and Requirement page. No checks or cash will be accepted (please use the link above to visit the page).





Specialization Videos

Career Counseling

Career Counselors work in K-12, college and university career centers, student support services and advising offices. Some graduates use this training to establish private career counseling and consultation practices while others enter career development and human resources related centers (e.g., People Operations, People and Culture, Talent Acquisition, Employee Experience) in private industry and public agencies. Many students combine this training with another area of counseling based on their work setting preferences. The curriculum is designed with a holistic understanding and integrative practice of career counseling to empower individuals and communities’ access to decent work with a social justice framework, as well as to help them create and sustain a relationship with work that supports individual and collective well-being. 

Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Clinical Mental Health Counselors work in an array of community-based health and behavioral health agencies, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), K-12 schools, higher education settings, hospital-based programs, and programs and services for specific communities (e.g., LGBTQ+, older adults, youth, people with disabilities, Veterans) including underserved communities and those living in healthcare professional shortage areas. Graduates of the CMHC program are positioned for obtaining their LPCC after completion of 3,000 post-graduate internship hours and passing the LPCC state licensure exams. 

College Counseling

College Counselors may work in two- and four-year colleges and universities providing academic counseling in a range of college student personnel positions in programs such as student retention, EOP or EOPS, financial aid, CalWorks, multicultural student services, residential life, college outreach, transfer services, general counseling and other student services.

Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling

MFCC specialization prepares graduates for LMFT licensure in California. MFTs provide assessment, diagnosis, and intervention for individuals, couples, families, children, and groups in family, youth, and child agencies, hospitals, schools, universities, forensic settings, private practice, and a variety of community counseling services. The curriculum emphasizes a culturally-informed and systemic-familial-relational orientation to prevention, intervention, consultation, and advocacy.

School Counseling & Pupil Personnel Services Credential

School Counselors upon graduation and after passing the California CBEST examination receive their State of California Pupil Personnel Services Credential with a specialization in School Counseling (PK–12) and work in public and private school settings. They do personal and academic counseling and work in an integrated services team approach with other mental health and education professionals.


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