The Career Counseling specialization prepares graduates to work in high school and college career centers and advising offices. Some graduates use this training to establish private career counseling and consultation practices while others enter career development centers in private industry and public agencies.
The specialization interfaces career counseling with interpersonal development and family dynamics. Career counseling encompasses the well-being of the whole individual and how work and career relate to family, fulfillment and lifestyle. Multicultural and social justice foundations are integrated throughout the program. In addition, issues such as worker dysfunction, workplace violence and sexual harassment are covered in the curriculum

Elif Balın
Associate Professor
Career Counseling Coordinator
- Division of Graduate Studies Application (Cal State Apply)
- Resume
- Unofficial Transcript(s)
- Personal Statement and Affidavit of Authorship
- Summary of Experience Form
- Letters of recommendation
- Writing assessment
After admissions decisions are made, Coordinators will determine the incoming student's readiness for graduate level writing. This assessment will use the Personal Statement. It is essential that the applicant is the sole author of their personal statement (a verification of authorship is required in the application). Once admitted, students who have demonstrated a need to strengthen their writing skills will be required to take a writing course (HSS 700) in their first semester of the program. Students can also self-select to take the writing course for greater success in graduate level writing. - In-person interview (depending on Specialization)
Career Counselors provide individual and group counseling as well as teach and design career exploration and employment programs for high schools, colleges, universities, private career counseling and consultation, private industry and public agencies. This specialization/emphasis blends expertise in career counseling with interpersonal development and family dynamics. Issues such as work and family balance, career and life goals, life transitions, workplace conflict, employment rights, healthy workplace, job search strategies, and the emotional aspects of career change are covered in the curriculum. Graduates who are interested in providing holistic career counseling and addressing the range of issues that affects clients’ lives and work may be interested in working toward eligibility for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC). According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a 19% increase in employment of career counselors is expected by 2020.
Course | Title | Units |
COUN 700 | Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy | 3 |
COUN 702 | Developmental Foundations for Counselors | 3 |
COUN 703 | Psychological Foundations for Counselors | 3 |
COUN 705 | Counseling Practicum | 3 |
COUN 706 | Counseling Skills and Process | 3 |
COUN 715 | Assessment in Counseling | 3 |
COUN 720 | Career Counseling | 3 |
COUN 721 | Applied Career Counseling | 3 |
COUN 727 | Advanced Career Counseling | 3 |
COUN 736 | Advanced Counseling Process | 3 |
COUN 738 | Addictions | 3 |
COUN 741 | Crisis Counseling for Counselors | 3 |
COUN 794 | Seminar in Research | 3 |
COUN 811 | Group Counseling Process | 3 |
COUN 833 | Social and Cultural Foundations in Counseling | 3 |
COUN 857 | Law and Ethics for Counselors | 3 |
COUN 858 or 704, or 792 or 716 |
Choose one of these courses for specialized expertise (Pref. Emphasis class) | 3 |
COUN 890 | Integrative Counseling and Internship | 3 |
COUN 891 | Case Studies and Internship Seminar | 3 |
COUN 892 | Culminating Experience for Counselors | 3 |
Total | 60 |
1st Semester - Fall
Course | Title | Units |
Coun 833 | Social and Cultural Foundations | 3 |
Coun 705 | Counseling Practicum | 3 |
Coun 706 | Counseling Skills and Process | 3 |
Coun 720 | Career Counseling | 3 |
Coun 721 | Applied Career Counseling | 3 |
2nd Semester - Spring
Course | Title | Units |
Coun 700 | Theories of Counseling | 3 |
Coun 715 | Assessment in Counseling | 3 |
Coun 727 | Advanced Career Counseling | 3 |
Coun 736 | Advanced Counseling Process & Internship | 3 |
Coun 857 | Law and Ethics for Counselors | 3 |
3rd Semester - Fall
Course | Title | Units |
Coun 702 | Developmental Foundations for Counselors | 3 |
Coun 811 | Group Counseling Process | 3 |
Coun 794 | Seminar in Research | 3 |
COUN 704,716,792 or 858 | Special expertise course | 3 |
Coun 890 | Integrative Counseling / Internship | 3 |
4th Semester - Spring
Course | Title | Units |
Coun 703 | Psychological Foundations | 3 |
Coun 738 | Addictions Counseling | 3 |
Coun 741 | Crisis Counseling | 3 |
Coun 891 | Case Studies/Internship | 3 |
Coun 892 | Culminating Experience | 3 |
1st Semester - Fall
Course | Title | Units |
Coun 833 | Social and Cultural Foundations | 3 |
Coun 720 | Career Counseling | 3 |
Coun 721 | Applied Career Counseling | 3 |
2nd Semester - Spring
Course | Title | Units |
Coun 700 | Theories of Counseling | 3 |
Coun 715 | Assessment in Counseling | 3 |
Coun 727 | Advanced Career Counseling | 3 |
3rd Semester - Fall
Course | Title | Units |
Coun 702 | Developmental Foundations for Counselors | 3 |
Coun 705 | Counseling Practicum | 3 |
Coun 706 | Counseling Skills and Process | 3 |
Coun 794 | Seminar in Research | 3 |
4th Semester - Spring
Course | Title | Units |
Coun 736 | Advanced Counseling Process & Internship | 3 |
Coun 738 | Addictions Counseling | 3 |
Coun 703 | Psychological Foundations for Counselors | 3 |
Coun 857 | Law and Ethics for Counselors | 3 |
5th Semester - Fall
Course | Title | Units |
Coun 811 | Group Counseling Process | 3 |
COUN 704,716,792 or 858 | Special expertise course | 3 |
Coun 890 | Integrative Counseling / Internship | 3 |
6th Semester - Spring
Course | Title | Units |
Coun 741 | Crisis Counseling | 3 |
Coun 891 | Case Studies/Internship | 3 |
Coun 892 | Culminating Experience | 3 |
FAQs about Career Counseling and the SF State program
Here are some points from the National Career Development Association:
"Counselors often help to construct, clarify and realize a client’s career plan, dream or goals. Getting background information about a client’s career situation –– the whole picture, inclusive of lifestyle, leisure, family roles and influence, history, and a sense of the future – is an important function of career counselors." (Manzi, NCDA, 2003)
"Career counselors do a number of things to help people make important life transitions and related educational and career decisions. In general, an initial interview is required where a client’s situation is assessed and the appropriateness of the services is determined….The number of sessions may vary, and may include the assessment of a client’s work and educational history, formal and informal assessment of values, skills, aptitudes, interests, and personality factors and goal setting objectives. Clients may also use computer-assisted guidance systems... Some clients may seek help with a job search, including resumes, interviewing, follow-up and networking skills. Others may need labor market or occupational information, which are provided free by the U.S. Department of Labor’s O*Net, Occupational Outlook Handbook website and the Bureau of Labor Statistics" (NCDA, 2003)
"There is substantial overlap between career coaching and career counseling…Both deal with career planning, implementation of career choice, career adjustment, and the interplay between personal and career issues. However, the two specialties also differ in some significant ways. First, career counselors are trained as professional counselors with a specialization in career interventions. There are nationally recognized bodies that accredit counselor training programs (e.g., Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs), national certificates or state licenses for counselors or counseling psychologists (e.g. National Board of Certified Counselors), and relevant professional codes of ethics … On the other hand, the field of career coaching is largely unregulated, with only a few coaching institutes that offer their own certificates and ethical codes…Second, although both" (Chung, 2003). For more information on this distinction, see "Career Coaching: Practice, Training, Professional, and Ethical Issues" by Y. Barry Chung and M. Coleman Allen Gfroerer in the Career Development Quarterly (Volume 52, 2003).