Department of Counseling Professors Celebrate Book Publication and Department Anniversary

Department of Counseling professors Wanda Lee (emeritus), Graciela Orozco (emeritus), and Kwong-Liem Karl Kwan celebrated the publication of the fourth edition of Introduction to Multicultural Counseling for Helping Professionals (Routledge, 2024) and the 75th anniversary of the Department of Counseling. Since the first publication in 1999, all editions of this book have been a recurring collaborative effort that unite various cohorts of Department faculty to promote education of multicultural counseling through academic publication. This latest edition further provided mentorship to more than two dozen current and former student contributors who participated in the research of theoretical and practitioner perspectives related to counseling ethnically diverse and culturally marginalized peoples. The textbook takes an ecological, social justice approach to multicultural counseling and incorporates valuable contributions from other fields, such as ethnic studies and health care, to give beginning counseling students a broad overview of the history, American experiences, current issues, practice guidelines, and case studies relevant to multicultural counseling.